Saturday, February 28, 2009


After loving and losing
time after time
I find there isn't enough of me left
to completely abandon myself to you.

Though you seem content with the pieces
I know better
and I know that once again
as we pass together in time
this lack of myself
or rather, whats left over
or just the total emptiness I have to offer
cannot truly be enough for you

And in our end you will become
just the same as the ones in my past
taking as much as i have left
or that I allow you to take
or give to you freely

And in leaving, or being left
I'll find myself only slightly more empty
than when we started

Though I'm sure your intentions
were to add to my life
and lift me up out of this pitiful mess
get my feet on something solid
so I can climb up and out.
I know you mean to protect
but...this is why I'm terrified of you

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